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Stabs At Happiness

13 Stories

Todd Grimson

216 pages
Schaffner Press Inc
Marking the first original publication by Todd Grimson in almost 20 years, the 13 stories compiled in this volume showcase the author’s fascinating fictional canvases, peopled by authentic and sympathetic characters with settings ranging from the Amazon to the Sahara and stops in between to 1970s East Village and pre-Castro Cuba. Whether it’s a Hollywood starlet who goes AWOL from her movie set in the wake of her husband's suicide and in disguise embarks anonymously on a hedonistic bender or an African American man seeking the answer behind the mysterious disappearance of his friend in the heart of Muslim North Africa, each individual within these stories is striving to break free, to make new meaning of their world, to find recognition or self-definition in an otherwise bleak and unsympathetic world. Fresh and bold and original in his voice and depiction of character, places, and events, Grimson’s range is extraordinary, his imagination is unsurpassable, and his empathy for his characters—whether killers, transvestites, prostitutes—are all deeply heartfelt.
Author Bio
Todd Grimson was born in 1952 in Seattle and moved to Portland, Oregon at an early age. At the age of 22, having gone through all kinds of dead-end employment, Grimson took a civil service exam and ended up working at the VA Hospital in its surgical intensive care unit, which he found highly educational. He went on to work nightshift in the emergency room at Emanuel Hospital, where most local victims of violent crime were seen, an intense experience informing his first novel, "Within Normal Limits," which he wrote under the mentorship of Paul Bowles, whom he had met and studied with during a summer writing workshop in Tangier, Morocco. Published in the prestigious "Vintage Contemporaries" series as a trade paperback original, "Within Normal Limits" earned critical acclaim and was the winner of the Oregon Book Award in 1988. It was shortly before the publication of this first novel that Grimson was first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), an incurable, degenerative disease. However, his symptoms went away and did not reappear until the summer of 1991. Stricken suddenly, housebound and incapacitated, Grimson found himself having vivid and surreal dreams, which later became the source and literally a part of the novel, "Brand New Cherry Flavor," which blends this phantasmagorical dreamscape with the innovation of "cinematic realism." Critically acclaimed both in the US and in the UK, this novel was followed by "Stainless" (Schaffner Press: Feb. 2012), an urban noir vampire novel set in late 1990's L.A. In recent years, Grimson has been writing and publishing short fiction online under the nom de plume "I. Fontana," appearing in such literary reviews as BOMB, Bikini Girl, Juked, New Dead Families, Lamination Colony and Spork, while working on a new novel, "sickgirl101," a thriller which delves into the online Alt Sex underworld, exploring and exposing the darker side of contemporary sexuality as perhaps no one else has done before.