Amazing Math
Projects You Can Build Yourself
Lazlo C. Bardos Samuel Carbaugh
128 pages
Nomad Press Llc
Make a geodesic dome big enough to sit in. Solve one of the world’s hardest two-piece puzzles. Pass a straight line through a curved slot. From prime numbers to paraboloids, Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself introduces readers ages 9 and up to the beauty and wonder of math through hands-on activities. Kids will cut apart shapes to discover area formulas, build beautiful geometric models to explore their properties, and amaze friends with the mysterious Möbius strip. Learning through examples of how we encounter math in our daily lives, children will marvel at the mathematical patterns in snowflakes and discover the graceful curves in the Golden Gate Bridge. Readers will never look at soap bubbles the same way again! Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself includes projects about number patterns, lines, curves, and shapes. Each activity includes intriguing facts, vocabulary builders, and connections to other topics. A companion website, includes video instructions for many projects in the book and provides additional activities.
Author Bio
Laszlo Bardos is a high school mathematics teacher and website author. He holds a degree in engineering and a master’s degree in business administration. He is the author of the website CutOutFoldUp.com, a site of mathematical models that you can make out of paper. He collected interesting math models and tidbits since he was a kid. As a teacher, he saw the value of having students build and manipulate models to visualize math concepts
Samuel Carbaugh: Sam Carbaugh is a freelance cartoonist and illustrator. He has worked with many colleges and companies to create informational comics and illustrations.