Explore Colonial America!
25 Great Projects, Activities, Experiments
Verna Fisher Bryan Stone
96 pages
Nomad Press Llc
In Explore Colonial America!, kids ages 6-9 learn about America’s earliest days as European settlements, and how the colonists managed to survive, build thriving colonies, and eventually challenge England for independence.
How did the colonists build homes, feed and clothe themselves, and get along with the Native Americans who were already here? This accessible introduction to the colonial period teaches young children about the daily lives of ordinary colonists and offers fascinating stories about those who helped shape the emerging nation. Activities range from creating a ship out of a bar of soap and building a log home out of graham crackers and pretzels to making a wampum necklace. Projects are easy-to-follow, require minimal adult supervision, and use primarily common household products and recycled supplies.
By combining a hands-on element with riddles, jokes, fun facts, and comic cartoons, kids Explore Colonial America!, and have a great time discovering our nation’s founding years.
Author Bio
Verna Fisher has written more than 100 regional, national, and online magazine articles focusing on children, education, and Native American topics. She lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Bryan Stone has worked on a variety of professional comics and illustration projects, including drawings for Dartmouth College’s Hopkins Center and a monthly, three page, comic called Onion Head for Bash Magazine. Bryan is a graduate of The Center for Cartoon Studies and now lives in Hartland, Vermont.