Kabbalah Vol 20
Journal of Jewish Mystical Texts
Daniel Abrams
368 pages
Cherub Press
Studies in English
Daniel Abrams: Phenomenology of Jewish Mysticism – Moshe Idel’s Methodology in Perspective
Nathan Wolski: The Secret of Yiddish – Zoharic Composition in the Poetry of Aaron Zeitlin
Moshe Idel: The Image of Man Above the Sefirot – R. David ben Yehuda he-Hasid’s Theosophy of Ten Supernal Sahsahot and Its Reverberations
Studies in Hebrew
Moshe Idel: ‘Your Word Stands Firm in Heaven’ – An Inquiry into the Early Traditions of R. Israel Baal Shem Tov and Their Reverberations in Hasidism
Michael Schneider: The Myth of the Satan in the Book Bahir
Jonatan Meir: New Discoveries Concerning R. Judah Leib Ashlag
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