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Fives A Crowd

160 pages
Image Cascade Publishing
After an eventful year of school and college, a new experience for Josie and Sandra Campbell, the girls find themselves on their way to Haiti, where they are to join their parents and sail the Pakhoi, the family's Chinese junk, to New York.
Author Bio
Janet Lambert was born and lived many years of her younger life in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Prior to writing novels Ms. Lambert performed as an actress and play writer touring with a repertory company around the United States and on Broadway. Ms. Lambert's acting career was shortened during WWI by her marriage to then Captain Kent Lambert and later by the birth of her daughter, Jeanne Ann. As a perceptive and intellectually curious Army wife, Ms. Lambert gained insight into people, situations, and life in many settings. These experiences were integrated into her writing for many years to come.