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Double Date

192 pages
Image Cascade Publishing
Quiet, sensitive Penny Howard has always tried to be as much like her vivacious twin Pam as Pam wished- wearing the same clothes, and letting Pam arrange dates and choose their activities. But as the girls start their senior year at a new high school, in a new town, Penny resolves to no longer be a carbon copy of Pam.. To her surprise, she finds herself quietly cheered on by their mother, and their grandmother, and most happily for Penny, by Mike Bradley, the boy she was afraid Pam had chosen for herself.
Author Bio
Rosamond du Jardin was one of the most popular authors of girls series fiction in the 1950s. Her Tobey Heydon and Pam and Penny Howard books are among the most beloved teen romance novels of their era. Rosamond du Jardin first wrote humorous verse and short stories for multiple periodicals throughout the 1940s. She also wrote five novels for adults before her first novel for teenagers, Practically Seventeen, which was published in 1949.