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Letters to Leaders

Reflections on a Life of Leadership

John Mumford Eleanor Mumford

192 pages
SPCK Group

Leadership can be a coveted position. Some want the power. For others, they are drawn to the popularity or the prestige. In Letters to Leaders, John and Eleanor Mumford, a couple with a lifetime of international leadership experience, explain how this glamorous view of leadership couldn’t be further from the truth.

Unfolding the pages of the Apostle Paul’s biblical letters afresh, John and Eleanor offer timely insights into what it truly means to be leaders: from the calling and the criteria, to the priorities and characteristics.

Drawing on their extensive experience as senior leaders in the Vineyard Church, the Mumford's encourage you to embrace the beautiful struggle of being a leader in God’s ‘upside-down’ Kingdom, becoming what Paul himself claimed in 1 Corinthians to be: ‘the scum of the Earth’.

Author Bio
John Mumford, together with his wife Eleanor, is the Co-ordinator of the Vineyard International Executive. They married in 1978 and they have two sons. They worked for nearly two years with John Wimber on the staff of the Anaheim Vineyard in California before planting the SW London Vineyard in 1987, the first Vineyard church in the UK. They handed over the leadership of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland to John and Debby Wright in 2015, in order to concentrate more upon the oversight and development of the movement internationally. John is a well-known and much-loved church leader, speaking regularly across the UK and beyond.