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The Sacraments

York Courses

80 pages
SPCK Group

This lively course on the sacraments by Jane Williams, one of the founders of St Mellitus College, is widely accessible, like all York Courses.

The course book contains the transcript of the accompanying audio/video, in which Jane is joined by a number of guests from various backgrounds, as they discuss the themes of The Sacraments.

The full list of available formats is as follows:

Course Book including transcript of video and access to video/audio downloads (Paperback)
Course Book including transcript of video and access to video/audio downloads (eBook, both ePub and Mobi files provided)
Participants’ book including transcript of video: pack of 5 (Paperback)
Participants’ book including transcript of video (eBook, both ePub and Mobi files provided)
Video of discussion to support THE SACRAMENTS (Video Digital Download)
Audio book of discussion to support THE SACRAMENTS (Audio Digital Download)
Audio book of discussion to support THE SACRAMENTS (CD)

Author Bio
Jane Williams is the McDonald Professor in Christian Theology at St Mellitus College, London, and a visiting Lecturer at King's College London. Her recent books include The Art of Christmas (2021), The Art of Advent (2018), Why did Jesus have to Die? (2016, all SPCK), and The Merciful Humility of God (Bloomsbury, 2018).