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Made Flesh

John's Gospel, Mission and the Global Church

278 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
The global Church in the twenty-first century has lots to say about mission. The greatest energy for mission, and therefore missiology (the study of mission), is in the Global South. Andy McCullough reflects on mission using John's Gospel, but in global perspective. He contends that we must at all costs avoid outdated modes of cross-cultural sending that smack of colonialism and defunct ways of approaching mission that are out of sync with global realities. This book, about the Gospel of John, incorporates thoughts and comments from people from around the globe. Andy points out that John, in his final verse, says that 'I suppose the world itself could not contain the books that would be written' (John 21:25), and so was clearly thinking about the global reach of the gospel. 'World' is therefore an important word for John, and he speaks about the whole world, and his cares and concerns for it. It is into the space in-between the local and the universal that the author is writing. In-depth, enlightening, well-rounded and thought-through, a must-read for anyone who loves this Gospel, and wants to see more of the global view of what the Gospel writer taught.
Author Bio
Andy McCullough ===============

Andy McCullough was born and grew up in Cyprus, is married to Jessica, who is South African, and has four children born in the UK but grew up in the Middle East. He is the author of Global Humilty: Attitudes For Mission and involved in planting churches and coaching church planters. He is an avid student of language, culture, mission and the Bible and currently based in Reading, UK