The Party in Heaven
34 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
There’s a party in heaven. The angels are rushing around in great excitement, preparing for a new arrival. But Sprout, the littlest angel, notices some sad people down on earth. As he asks his friend Castor questions, he discovers anew the love of Jesus. He learns that while life on earth can come to an end, it’s not the end of the story...Author Bio
Mike Peacock ============Mike Peacock is a play-write, actor, author and screen- writer. He has penned over 40 different theatre productions for Rhema Theatre Company. Other credits include Riding Lights Theatre Company, the 24:7 Theatre Festival and the Soho Theatre Company.
As an author titles include ‘Boris the Robot’ for HeartSmart, two children’s novels on Christmas and Easter ‘Angel’s Delight’ and its sequel ‘Angel’s Surprise’