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Microscope Beasts

The Unseen World of Mini-Monsters Under the Microscope

64 pages
Beetle Books

This is a book for keeps, with over 100 stunning color illustrations and photographs of the unseen world under a microscope. Now we don’t all own microscopes, so we are mostly completely unaware of what’s hiding in our homes, in water, outdoors and even on our skin! Don’t worry though, scientists have been studying them for years. There are micro-monsters hiding all around us, so, take a peek because it’s fascinating!

  • Did you know that there are tiny mites making a home and living on our eyelashes!
  • Have you ever wondered if tardigrades (microscopic animals) might be living on the moon?
  • Did you know woodworm, sometimes found chomping away at your furniture, is actually a beetle!
  • When we talk about tummy bugs we forget that some of them are actually friendly bacteria.

This is a fantastic introduction into all that happens under the microscope. The combination of stunning illustrations, photography, and bite-size facts make this book a real page-turner for young enquiring minds. They’re not all bad, but what do germs look like? Bed bugs are teeny tiny but they don’t bother everyone. Uncover awesome hidden world’s and the weird and wonderful mini-monsters that live in them. Luxuriously bound, this books is a perfect gift for curious kids, and it sure to become a bookshelf favorite.

Author Bio
Annabel is a writer and artist based in Cornwall, UK. Having worked as a bookseller for many years, she now specializes in creating children’s books with a focus on animals and the natural world. Her recent titles include One Planet, a series of 6 books about Earth and the environment, and What Can I See in the Wild? a beautifully illustrated book on animal habitats, published by Beetle Books. In her free time, Annabel enjoys drawing, hiking, and gardening. She is never without a good book on the go.