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The Success of the Servant

Studies in the Servant Songs of Isaiah

Mervyn Wishart

136 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
Come explore the remarkable 'Servant Songs' of Isaiah! Written prophetically around 700 years before being fulfilled, this Messianic poem celebrates the sacrificial life of the Lord Jesus, the faithful servant of God. The Success of the Servant will draw you into a deeper appreciation of the glories of Christ - the most rich and rewarding of studies. This book works to provide practical applications in the reader's lives. A suitably in-depth study into 'the Servant Songs' is made accessible through a clear writing style and helpful headings throughout. Isaiah means ‘Salvation of Jehovah’, and the theme of salvation pervades the entire book. The prophet exclaims, ‘Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation’ (Isa. 12:2-3). The final section of Isaiah is written as poetry, and has even been called by J. Sidlow Baxter, ‘the greatest Messianic poem in the Bible’. Within these delightful chapters, we find the portions which have often been referred to as ‘the Servant Songs’, or ‘poetic oracles’. Isaiah is singing in Chapter 5:1: ‘Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved’. There could be no greater theme to sing of than the person who is presented by the prophet as ‘the perfect Servant of Jehovah’. The Songs are a bountiful field in which to glean, with ‘handfuls of purpose’ in every line.
Author Bio
Mervyn Wishart resides with his wife Margaret in Newcastle, Co. Down. He has been an elder in Shimna Gospel Hall for many years. His working life was spent in the construction industry. Since 2004 Mervyn has made annual visits to India for gospel preaching and Bible teaching. He contributes regularly to an assembly monthly magazine in India, 'Vineyard Echoes'. His Bible teaching ministry has also taken him to Singapore, South Korea and Australia.