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Controlled Chaos

Surgical Adventures in Chitokoloki Mission Hospital

David Galloway Jenni Galloway

224 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
Chitokoloki Mission Hospital is a remote but remarkable facility in the North-Western Province of Zambia. This book comes from a compilation of daily reports about life in a remote African mission hospital. It is written from a personal and clinical angle and with a surgical emphasis because that formed the bulk of the activity that has been recorded. The detailed experiences of many patients has been captured and the author conveys the almost unbelievable reality that their experience reflects. Initially the reports formed a flowing clinical news blog and they have been assembled in book form to include the Christian context as well as insights into the reality of daily life in the local villages. Again and again these stories have been the focus of discussion and enquiry and it has been good to share the experiences to the point that others who become aware are ready to pray, support, give and even visit in order to contribute in some way to the work of the mission.
Author Bio
David Galloway MD DSc FRCS FRCP FACS, was a Consultant Surgeon and Honorary Professor of Surgery in the University of Glasgow. He was trained in the UK and the USA as a general surgeon and surgical oncologist. He was elected in 2015 to serve a three-year term as President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and was honoured with various degrees and Fellowships of numerous international medical and surgical colleges. He lives with his wife Christine in the West of Scotland and is involved as an active member and elder of an independent evangelical Christian church. He is a lay-preacher and itinerant speaker with a special interest in engaging and defending a Christian worldview and challenging the default naturalism that has gripped the scientific community. They have two daughters, Lynda and Jenni and three lively grandchildren.