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Everyday Evangelism

Paul McCauley David Williamson

335 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
Everyday Evangelism – the title of this powerful book is a challenge in itself. Our secularised society – and perhaps a lack of spiritual courage – has meant that, for many Christians, evangelism is anything but everyday. And yet the very real need of our times is for a commitment to spreading the Gospel message on a daily basis. As has been said, we need a spirit of evangelism, not just a spurt of evangelism. Commitment is, however, only part of the answer. Anyone who tries to engage in Gospel witness will soon find out that enthusiasm alone will not suffice. We also need to be equipped. This book has been written with a view to empowering a new generation of Christians to evangelise with confidence and purpose. The practical techniques taught by McCauley and Williamson are based on a thoroughly biblical foundation, and – unlike many volumes on evangelistic methods – they concentrate on presenting the Gospel message in a winsome and relevant manner, rather than on pressurising individuals into making decisions.
Author Bio
Paul McCauley was brought up in a Christian home and was saved early in life. He spent seven years in civil engineering before leaving it to be engaged full time in the spread of the gospel. He lives in Belfast with his wife, Karen, and four sons, Luke, Zach, Jacob and Levi. David Williamson serves the Lord in evangelism and Bible teaching. He was saved at 21 years of age and, twelve years later, left his secular employment to preach and teach God's word. His passion is to encourage believers to reach out with the gospel. He lives in Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland with his wife, Jennie, and their young family, Anna and Caleb.