Surgical Management of Intraocular Inflammation and Infection
Dean Eliott P Kumar Rao
125 pages
Jp Medical
Inflammatory and infectious diseases in the eye often present very challenging diagnostic dilemmas and are difficult to manage. Despite advances in anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory therapy, permanent structural changes can occur in the eye because of intraocular inflammation or infection. These are best managed with surgery. Modern treatment of these inflammations and infections involves novel drug therapy and retina-vitreous surgical procedures. This is the first book to review the recent surgical protocols used in the management of intraocular inflammation and infection, and covers indications, pre-procedure therapy, surgical procedure, and complications.
Key Points
- First book to review the latest surgical intervention procedures to manage inflammation and infection of the eye
- Covers indications, accompanying therapy, techniques, and complications
- Contributing team of leading US experts
Author Bio
Dean Eliott MD
Associate Director, Retina Service, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
P. Kumar Rao MD
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University, St Louis, USA