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Performance Indicators for Wastewater Services

R. Matos A. Cardoso Richard M. Ashley Patricia Duarte A. Molinari A. Schulz

187 pages
IWA Publishing
The Manual of Best Practice Performance Indicators for Wastewater Services provides guidelines for the establishment of a management tool for wastewater utilities based on the use of performance indicators. The publication comprises the text and a CD-ROM with the SIGMA Lite WW software, developed by Instituto Tecnologico del Agua (ITA), Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain. The focus is on those performance indicators considered to be the most relevant for the majority of wastewater utilities, to be used routinely at management level and potentially for metric benchmarking practices. A set of three comprehensive appendices includes a glossary of technical terms, specifications of each parameter required to assess the performance indicators and an introduction to the software with tips for use and an example of application. This product will be an invaluable reference source for all those concerned with managing the performance of wastewater services including customer groups, utility managers and policy-makers, regulators and other stakeholders. Contents Structure of the wastewater PI-System                Data reporting                Context Information                Performance Indicators                Implementation Strategy for the PI-System                 Appendix 1 - Glossary of technical terms                 Appendix 2 - Data Definition and Processing Rules                Appendix 3 ©SIGMA Lite WW