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Live Life Big, or Stay in Bed

Realising and releasing your potential as a woman

Hazel Pattison Heather Puffett

272 pages
SPCK Group
Heather and Hazel are both married to high-achieving Christian leaders. When they first met they recognized in each other the same symptoms: a sense of inadequacy, a spirit of fear, a need to don masks of efficiency. Responsibility terrified them. Yet both were convinced that there was more to life. Out of much study and prayer was born the conclusion that they were truly daughters of the King, and that fear and masks belonged to the past. The path they explored involved the development of a deep sense of what God wanted for them and an appreciation of their identity in Christ. This led to an openness to deeper friendships with other women; an appreciation of the importance of personal integrity, loyalty and trustworthiness; a willingness to be approachable. Today both authors lead conferences all over the world, helping Christian women to discover and develop their potential.
Author Bio
Heather Puffett and Hazel Pattison are both conference speakers and members of the Jubilee Centre, Maidstone, Kent.