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Am I A Good Girl Yet?

Childhood abuse had shattered her. Could she ever be whole?

Carolyn Bramhall

256 pages
SPCK Group
Carolyn Bramhall grew up in what seemed to outsiders to be a normal home, with hard-working parents, surrounded by apparently caring relatives. She graduated from Bible college, married, found a job as a youth worker. Then nightmares and panic attacks started to swamp her. She, her husband and two small children moved to work in America, but the internal stresses grew worse - and a host of other personalities started to make their presence felt. In due course 109 separate entities, each created to carry some aspect of truly ghastly past pain, would identify themselves. What could she do?
Author Bio
Carolyn Bramhall lives in Newbury, Berks, and has an extensive speaking and pastoral ministry in connection with Freedom in Christ Ministries