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The Search for Forgiveness

Pardon And Punishment In Islam And Christianity

Chawkat Moucarry

373 pages
SPCK Group

Is there any hope of finding forgiveness? Genuine reconciliation is something we long for, at an international level, in our communities and in our personal lives. Most of all, we need God's forgiveness. But how do we receive his pardon? What makes him forgive? Will he forgive anything? Will he forgive anyone? And what difference should his forgiveness make to the way we live?
In this book, Chawkat Moucarry explores the answers that Islam gives to these questions. He takes us on a tour of Islam, looking at the teaching of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Tradition (Hadith), examining the ways they have been interpreted by Muslim theologians and mystics. He concludes each chapter with a Christian perspective from the Bible.
Both the Bible and the Qur'an speak of a God who is sovereign, merciful, just and forgiving. In this carefully researched and respectful study, the author seeks to break down some of the misconceptions and to go beyond the superficial. Without ignoring the real differences between the two religions, his aim is to build bridges rather than barriers. He also highlights how God's character is perfectly and uniquely fulfilled in Jesus Christ through his life, death and resurrection.