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The 50 Greatest Engineers

The People Whose Innovations Have Shaped Our World

Paul Virr William Potter

208 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited

Lavishly illustrated with more than 200 images.

In 2017, engineering was one of the top 6 most popular degree courses in the US, in the top 3 in the UK in 2018 and in the top 8 in China and India.

An easy and insightful introduction to the great figures in the history of engineering.

Author Bio

Paul Virr is an author and editor who has written extensively on science and technology over the last twenty years. A former SEM ambassador with Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution and former editor for the Auropean Space Agency, he has produced official guides for UK museums and now lives in Rome, Italy.

William Potter
has been writing and editing non-fiction titles for more than two decades, covering diverse subjects such as new technology, space travel, history, prehistoric life, comics and fantasy-art creation, along with numerous educational STEM titles and puzzle books for school-age readers. Based in the UK, William also scripts comic books and continues to tour with his band.