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Fresh from The Word 2022

The Bible for a change

David Painting David Painting David Painting

384 pages
SPCK Group

Fresh from the Word 2022 offers 365 sets of note, prayers and actions on biblical themes and helps build understanding and respect for different Christian perspectives by offering a range of biblical interpretations.
Each writer brings their own experience of God and His Word, refined through the reality of the worldwide pandemic, to shed new light on familiar themes, including:
•? facing despair and fear
•? being Church,
•? living with pain whilst sustained by hope
•? how we regard the stranger
•? how we love our neighbour

Enjoyed individually and in groups, this is a great for anyone looking for guidance to help their bible reading and understanding.

Author Bio

David Painting (Author, Edited by)
Mr David Painting is the editor of Fresh From the Word 2022. A pastor at heart, David has had a number of pastoral roles ranging from those in small rural settings to large urban churches in theUK. He is currently pioneering and co-leading a House Church. Having led the YWAM Relief and Development Discipleship Training school (DTS), hecontinues to serve YWAM, teaching on DTS’s and is the authorof a number of books to support Christian teaching and preaching. Priorto this, he was a YWAM missionary serving Romania shortly after the revolution and working in rural settings across the country. David and hiswife Janet have ministered in the Balkans, Northern Europe, North and South America, South East Asia, the Middle East and Africa.