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Middle Space Youth Work

A New Model For Youth Ministry and Outreach

Loyd Harp

160 pages
SPCK Group

A new model of youth work and outreach is emerging across the UK and elsewhere, in which churches and faith communities are no longer content to invite outsiders across the great threshold that is the front door of the church.
On the other hand, detached youth work has made great strides into taking the church out into the streets. Between these two polarities is nestled a third way. Middle Space models carve out space in the middle ground for dialogue, relationships, safe spaces, exchange of ideas, not to mention inclusive activities.
The concept of Middle Space is simple. It’s not our space, nor is it their space, but a shared space somewhere in the middle. However, Middle Space is about much more than simply utilising so-called "third spaces." Rather, it’s a whole new approach to youth work, in which the physical space becomes a metaphor for the youth work itself. While the concept is simple, it is a profoundly new way of doing youth ministry.
This book will be the first of its kind in describing and reflecting upon emerging Middle Space models, and also giving some tips and insights for best practices moving forward.

Author Bio
Loyd Harp is a Youth Program Coordinator at Brookside Community Development Corporation, Indianapolis, USA. He spent 13 years as a youth worker in a rural parish in the UK, where he developed his Middle Space methodology and got his Master of Divinity. Loyd has served as a youthworker in a variety of settings, including urban megachurch, suburban small town and schools work, and has contributed to the wider youthwork community at the National Youth Ministry Weekend and in Premier Youth Work Magazine.