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The violence of silence

288 pages
SPCK Group

Proverbs 31:8 challenges God's people to 'Open your mouth for those with no voice, for the cause of all the dispossessed' (ESV).

In Unmuted, Usha Reifsnider makes use of 'muted group theory' to help church leaders and theologians understand the real challenges of identity, intersectionality, and the myriad ways of being human in God's world.

Drawing together powerful testimonies from disciples of Jesus from around the world, Usha Reifsnider brings theological reflection and biblical insight to the contested question of multifaceted identities. As a convert from a Hindu background and, married to an American, she is well placed to do so.

Unmuted ends with a powerful statement about the future of evangelicalism - in a clarion cry to the West to listen again to the voices of global church and join in with what God is doing.

Author Bio
Usha Reifsnider is a British South Asian Christ-follower from a Hindu background. She and her American husband, Matt, have served as mission partners working with migrants, refugees, and diaspora people groups for over three decades. Usha’s research interests are in the intersection of cultural anthropology and practical theology.Her various roles in ministry include serving as a director with the Centre for Missionaries from the Majority World (CMMW), training churches and para-church agencies on mission to, through, from, and with diaspora people groups. Usha also teaches a module on philosophical frameworks and ethics at the postgraduate level at Waverley Abbey College.