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The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus

How revival in Iran is spreading across the world

224 pages
SPCK Group

Something amazing is happening across the Middle East. A counter-cultural gospel movement is growing disciples of Jesus deep within the heartland of Islam.

In The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus, Phil Moore tells the story of a radical disciple-making movement which started in Iran and has now spread to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and many other hardline Islamic nations. Phil compares the eye-opening testimonies of these courageous Middle Eastern Christians with the words of Jesus to his Seventy-Two disciples in Luke 10, in order to demonstrate that this spectacular move of God relies on the same pattern, and the same Spirit, as the first-century followers of Jesus.

And it doesn't stop there. The second half of this book shares how this gospel movement has begun spreading across Europe and North America, making disciples of Jesus in the secular cities of the Post-Christian West too. The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus offers God-given keys to the Church in the West for how it can thrive and expand in the face of an increasingly hostile public square.

Author Bio

Phil Moore is a writer, thinker, speaker, teacher and DMM leader based in London, UK. He has strong links with the Newfrontiers family of churches but also leads more widely too. He is the author of the Straight to the Heart series of devotional commentaries, expressing timeless truths in a fresh and contemporary manner.

More details at www.philmoorebooks.com