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Is Everything Mission?

Tim Chester

48 pages
SPCK Group

Is everything a Christian does ‘mission’, or does it only count when we speak about Jesus and share the gospel? Does mission include volunteering at the food bank, campaigning for justice and providing aid overseas?

As the needs around us multiply and opposition to the gospel intensifies, this question ‘Is everything mission?’ becomes even more important for us to wrestle with.

Tim Chester’s 2018 Keswick Convention lecture helps us unpack what mission is and the role that God wants you, your church, your mission agency, to play.

Author Bio
Dr Tim Chester is a pastor of Grace Church in Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire and a tutor with the Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy. He blogs at www.timchester.co.uk. He has previously been Research and Policy Director for Tearfund UK and an adjunct lecturer in both Reformed spirituality and missiology. His many books include You Can Change and Total Church (both IVP).