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Mindfulness Journaling

Over 60 Exercises to Awaken Awareness and Well-Being

Tara Ward

160 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited
Mindfulness helps you to enjoy life in every way, from eating and sleeping to playing and working. This book is full of mindful exercises - the more you practise, the better you become. The exercises will help you understand yourself better and to change unhelpful patterns of behaviour into useful ones.
Author Bio
Tara Ward had her first psychic experience at eight years old. As an adult, she pursued formal psychic training while also studying T'ai Chi, Yoga, aromatherapy, healing, and Kirlian photography. She is a trained Kirlian counsellor. Her books include Discover Your Psychic Powers and The Healing Handbook. More than 260,000 copies of her books have been sold to-date.