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Implementing the Water-Energy-Food- Ecosystems Nexus and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Cesar Carmona-Moreno E. Crestaz Y. Cimmarrusti F. Farinosi M. Biedler A. Amani A. Mishra A. Carmona-Gutierrez

160 pages
IWA Publishing
The book’s primary intention is to serve as a roadmap for professionals working in developing countries interested in the Nexus Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) approach. The book shows a multi-disciplinary approach, showcasing the importance of the proper use of Nexus WEFE when implementing certain development programs in regions around the globe. It can be presented as a manual for an individual that either wishes to implement intervention projects following the NEXUS approach or students interested in cooperation and development. The book begins with a general explanation of the theoretical concepts and implementation processes of Nexus WEFE and continues getting into case studies, explaining the importance of proper implementation and potential drawbacks and solutions to them. This book has a particular focus on the European Union cooperation policies when implementing such an approach in developing countries.
Author Bio
Cesar Carmona-Moreno ==================== César CARMONA-MORENO obtained a PhD in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in 1991 from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (France) and was awarded the Léopold Scande prize for the best research thesis. In 1993, he received the Nature Prize for the best publication of the year for his publication on SAR satellite interferometry. Since 1997, he has been a researcher and leader of research projects for the European Commission (EC) at the Joint Research Centre (JRC). Since 2007, he has managed numerous research programmes in developing countries and is the coordinator of EC support to Networks of Centres of Excellence in Water Sciences in Latin America (RALCEA) and Africa (AUDA-NEPAD Centres of Excellence). He coordinated the scientific activities of the EUROCLIMA project for the assessment of the impact of climate change on natural resources in Latin America. He currently leads the JRC's water resources management activities in developing countries and manages the EC's WEFE-AFRICA project. His team is currently involved in research on the NEXUS Water-Energy-Food Security-Ecosystems programme in developing countries (Senegal, Niger, Zambezi, Nile) and coordinates the scientific component of the European WEFE NEXUS-Dialogues programme.