Diary of a Drug Fiend and Other Works by Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
928 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited
If you are interested in the arcane, the occult, the erotic or the highs and lows of drug addiction, then this book is for you. A piece of fiction inspired by Crowley's own experience of drugs and first published in 1922, Diary of a Drug Fiend follows Sir Peter Pendragon, a veteran pilot of World War I, who comes into money and saves himself from life-sapping indolence by marrying Louise Laleham, a devotee of the occultist Basil King Lamus. The couple marry and leave for Europe on honeymoon, then return to England to fight their demons as the book paints a vivid picture of their love set against a lifestyle of decadence, addiction and 'magick'. An uplifting and inspiring work of literary genius. Provides insight into the truth about drug-taking as well as psychological insight into the mind of an addict. A must-read for those interested in the occult. 'We must conquer life by living it to the full, and then we can go to meet death with a certain prestige.' Aleister Crowley
Author Bio
Aleister Crowley was occultist, magician, poet, painter and mountaineer who scandalized society throughout his lifetime. He was widely published and was also founder of the religion of Thelema. An open advocate of drugs, he embraced his notoriety - he was described as 'the wickedest man in the world' by the popular press.