First FRCR Anatomy: Practice Cases
458 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
First FRCR Anatomy: Practice Cases offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of practice cases for trainees preparing for the First FRCR Anatomy exam.
Mapped to the syllabus, each chapter focuses on a single anatomical area to deliver structured revision in all the key topics, allowing trainees to concentrate on areas of weakness.
The book features a wide variety of images presented in a similar format to those in the examination.
Featuring a wealth of practice cases, this book provides the essential revision tool to maximise chances of success in the examination.
Two practice papers each comprising 20 cases along with further explanatory answers and references are included for self-assessment.
This invaluable resource complements First FRCR Anatomy: Mock Papers to provide the complete Anatomy revision package.
The previous edition (9781907816376) published in 2012.
Author Bio
Eunjong Yoo MBBS MMedSc BASc EngSci FRCR
Radiology Registrar, Leeds & West Yorkshire Radiology Academy, UK
Claire Exley MBBS FRCR
Consultant Radiologist, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
David Minks MBBS BSc FRCR
Consultant Neurointerventionist and Neuroradiologist, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK
Constantinos Tingerides MBBS BSc MRCS FRCR
Consultant Vascular and Interventional Radiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Ashley Uttley MBBS BSc FRCR
Consultant Radiologist, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, UK