Key Clinical Topics in Paediatric Surgery
432 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Key Clinical Topics in Paediatric Surgery offers an indispensable and practical guide for exam revision and clinical practice.
Written and edited by specialists with a wealth of experience, this book provides rapid access to the core surgical topics.
Presented in a concise and easy-to-digest format, Paediatric Surgery delivers the essential clinical knowledge and practical skills, for paediatric surgeons in training.
The second edition has been fully updated and features new chapters on hyperhidrosis, chylothorax and mediastinal masses.
Key Points
- Over 100 topics presented in alpha order, from Abdominal trauma to Wilms’ tumour
- Succinct coverage of all aspects of diagnosis, surgical techniques and management
- Effective exam revision for FRCS(Paed Surg), FRCS(Gen Surg) and MRCS candidates
- Highly illustrated with clinical photographs and algorithms to aid visual memory of topics
- Previous edition (9781907816581) published in 2013
Author Bio
Max Pachl FRCS (Paed)
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Birmingham Children’s Hospital; Honorary Senior Clinical Researcher, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Oliver Gee FRCS (Paed)
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Ruth Wragg FRCS (Paed)
Consultant Paediatric Urologist, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK