MRCP SCE in Respiratory Medicine: 300 SBAs
320 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
MRCP SCE in Respiratory Medicine: 300 SBAs is the ideal revision guide for candidates preparing for the MRCP SCE in respiratory medicine. The book offers a wealth of practice questions that test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the clinical sciences relevant to specialist medical practice.
Chapters follow the JRCPTB specialty training curriculum for respiratory medicine, while detailed answers and explanations reinforce understanding. This book provides essential revision to maximise chances of exam success.
The second edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest British Thoracic Society guidelines on air travel, bronchiectasis, long-term macrolide use, occupational asthma, and pleural procedures.
Key points
- 300 SBA questions with correct answers and thorough explanations, and rational clarification of incorrect options
- Number of questions for each part of the syllabus follows MRCP(UK) blueprint, ensuring effective targeted revision
- Gives practical advice on how to approach revision and useful tips to improve exam technique
- Previous edition (9781909836754) published in 2018
Author Bio
Laura-Jane Smith MBBChir BA (Hons) FRCP (Respiratory) Dip (ClinEd) FHEA
Consultant Respiratory Physician, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
James Murray MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCP (Respiratory) PG Cert (ClinEd)
Consultant Respiratory Physician, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Amar J Shah MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCP
Respiratory Registrar, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK