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Invest Your Disappointments

Going For Growth

Paul Mallard

208 pages
SPCK Group

Let’s be honest. We’re frequently disappointed. With family, friends, leaders, work, ourselves, church - sometimes, dare we say it, even with God.

'You carry the tears inside,' is the author's description.

Disappointment can be devastating. It can be sudden. And it's certainly universal.

But what if we were to use disappointment as an opportunity to check whether our motivation and priorities were in line with God's will? Could it provide a chance to grow?

Author Bio
Paul Mallard is Pastor of Widcombe Baptist Church in Bath, UK. He speaks at numerous Christian events and has trained a generation of church workers. His wife Edrie’s story is toldmovingly in Invest Your Suffering:Unexpected Intimacy with a Loving God (IVP, 2013). Paul and Edrie areparents and grandparents.