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Discipleship Matters

Peter Maiden

176 pages
SPCK Group

Discipleship involves a gentle journey with our Saviour. Its demands will dovetail happily with our carefully crafted plans.

Wrong. Peter Maiden pulls no punches as he looks at what a disciple should look like today. Are we prepared to follow Jesus' example? Lose our lives for his sake? Live counter-culturally in a world that values power, prestige and money, and constantly puts self at the centre?

Of all people, Jesus, the Son of God, has the authority to require this of us. And he's calling us to a relationship, not to a set of rules or a miserable, spartan existence. In fact, it is through losing our lives that we find them, and thereby discover the source of pure joy.

What a pity we set the bar too low.

Author Bio
Peter Maiden has worked with Operation Mobilisation for over four decades now. He travels widely, fulfilling his teaching ministry. He is married to Win, and they live in Carlisle. They have two grown-up sons and one daughter.