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Life in pieces

Chris Aslan

352 pages
SPCK Group

'If you have ever wondered how you might have felt and reacted had you lived in Palestine and heard tales about a wonderful 'Teacher' performing miracles down in Galilee, you will definitely enjoy this book.' Farifteh V. Robb, author of In the Shadow of the Shahs

"When a pot breaks, it’s useless; at best there might be a shard that you can use to scoop grain. But what about a broken life? What about me? I feel so fragmented. Can I be repaired somehow? How do I live with the hate I feel towards those I’m supposed to be closest to? My life is in pieces and I don’t know what to do…"

Will one tragic event leave friendship and family ties irrevocably broken? And how will a historical Middle Eastern mountain community deal with news of a miracle worker? Is he too good to be true?

Author Bio
Chris Aslan is based in the UK, where he writes fiction and non-fiction, lectures for the Art Society, and leads tours to Central Asia whenever he can. He is the author of Alabaster and Mosaic.