Green Energy Life Cycle Assessment Tool (GELCAT) User Manual and Software
Robert T. Lorand
58 pages
IWA Publishing
Green energy or renewable energy technologies are potentially attractive solutions for meeting the energy needs of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Evaluating the effectiveness or suitability of the technologies at specific sites requires information on renewable energy resource characteristics, associated technology cost and performance, and information about plant energy requirements and operating costs.A Green Energy Life Cycle Assessment Tool (GELCAT) has been developed to aid in screening solar photovoltaic, wind turbine generators, and hydro turbine generators for providing electricity at WWTPs. The tool provides information on the electricity generated, operating cost savings, greenhouse gas reductions, and life cycle costs. The GELCAT User Manual provides information on how to use the GELCAT software.
A copy of the manual will be supplied to you and the order confirmed by email.This email is to be sent to Gina Street at WERF on gstreet@werf.org as proof of purchase and copy of the tool will be supplied to you at no additional cost.