Energy and Resource Recovery from Sludge
Y. Kalogo H. Monteith
238 pages
IWA Publishing
Available as eBook only.There is general consensus among sanitary engineering professionals that municipal wastewater and wastewater sludge is not a “waste”, but a potential source of valuable resources. Energy and Resource Recovery from Sludge provides essential knowledge on energy and resource recovery from sludge and focuses on:
- The international situation of energy and resource recovery from sludge
- How the use of different sludge treatment processes affects the possibility of recovering energy and/or materials from the residual sludge
- The influence of market and regulatory drivers on the fate of the sludge end-product
- The feasibility of energy and resource recovery from sludge
- The social, economic and environmental performance (triple bottom line or TBL assessment) of current alternatives technologies.
International case studies of established technologies existing at full-scale with commercial applications, as well as those that can potentially be commercialized are provided. Emerging technologies that have been demonstrated only at pilot-scale or bench (laboratory) scale are included. Energy recovery technologies can be classified into sludge-to-biogas processes, sludge-to-syngas processes, sludge-to-oil processes and sludge-to-liquid processes. The technologies available for resource recovery include those to recover phosphorus, building materials, nitrogen, volatile acids, etc. Technical, capital cost, operating and maintenance (O&M) costs information available are documented to the extent possible for each technology. Possibilities of upgrading biosolids pellets produced from sludge as renewable source of inoculum for bio-hydrogen gas production and also recovering of bio-pesticides from sludge are new research areas.