Flood Risk: Planning, Design and Management of Flood Defence Infrastructure is the definitive practical handbook on design and maintenance of flood defences, providing a coherent and focused reference for best practice. This book is the first port of call for practising engineers working in the areas of flood risk management and drainage and includes contributions from experts in the field and also real life case studies. It covers the design of fluvial, coastal and urban flood defences, as well as guidance on relevant legislation, lessons learned from past disasters and means of improving the environment while managing flood risk.The intended audience is practising (graduate to senior level) engineers, hydrologists and project managers working on flood defence projects, mainly in consultancies but also in the Environment Agency and Local Authorities.
About the author: Paul B. Sayers is a Partner at an independent consultancy specialising in the management of water environment and its associated risks. Previously a Director at HR Wallingford Ltd, Paul has over twenty years’ UK and international experience in all aspects of flood risk management. Paul led the development of the RASP methods and its application to the quantified analysis of climate impacts within the UK Foresight Future Flooding study. He advises on the Sustainable Asset Management theme of the Joint Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management research programme and leads the infrastructure management research within the UK Flood Risk Management Research Consortium.
Co-published with ICE Publishing