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International Judicial System

Law and Practice

Anne Wade

226 pages
Arcler Education Inc
International Judicial System considers several features of JudicialSystem that is international including an extensive informationof courts and laws of international judiciary. It includesinformation about emergence of international judicial system,the ways in which courts should respond and how they shouldresolve cases across borders. Provides the reader with insightsinto the development of knowledge, so as to understand the relationshipbetween international law and state sovereignty, the system of internationallaw, the sources of international law and types of international obligations.
Author Bio
Dr. Anne Wade has been a researcher and an instruction in the Criminal Justice field for 27 years. Sheis currently an Associate Professor at a Community College in North Carolina. She holds an Ed.D. inEducational Leadership and a Ph.D. in Public Safety Leadership/Criminal Justice. Her research interestsare in Criminology, Victimology, and the Human Services. She is married to Wesley Wade. She is anartist, writer, research, teacher, and trainer.