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Encyclopedia of Environmental Science Vol5: Integrated Water Management

Shalinee Naidoo

213 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Integrated Water Management considers various aspects of water management including an extensive historical overview of water management and related issues. It includes definitions introduction, river basins, introduction to water management, IWRM, water allocations. Provides the reader with insights into the development of its history, so as to understand the water management system and its integrated approach. In this era, the management of water is very necessary as drinking water is shrinking at a very high pace.
Author Bio
Shalinee Naidoo obtained her Master of Science degree cum laude in Microbiology from The University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa in 2014. Her research interests lie in Environmental Microbiology, Transnational Water Management and more recently, the regulatory and health care sector. She currently works as an Innovation and Research and Development Officer within the medical device sector and has been involved in a range of research projects funded by The Water Research Commission and Medical Research Council of South Africa. She is currently a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society and a recipient of numerous scholarship programs including the Erasmus Mundus SAPIENT program. This was one of the first programs run between the South African Department of Higher Education and Training and European Union that allowed individuals to study, conduct research and receive training at selected IRUN universities. Shalinee has also spent time teaching Chemistry and English to young children in Asia and is currently the founder of Scientist’s Sanctuary, an online science communication company that specializes in science writing, education and design.