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Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets with Hands-On Science Activities for Kids

Carmella Van Vleet Micah Rauch

112 pages
Nomad Press Llc

Fascinating explanations of something we use every day! Kids ages 8 to 12 discover where electricity comes from, how it works, and how we can make it more efficient.

It's everywhere. In our homes, schools, offices, on the train, in our cars-even inside our bodies!

Electricity: Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets with Hands-On Science Activities for Kids explores the science of electricity and the technology we've developed to harness the energy to power our lives. By diving into the topics of static electricity, currents, circuits, electromagnetism, motors, and ways we might produce and use electricity in the future, kids ages 8 to 12 gain a full view of how electricity works and why it's so important to human society.

And while it's tempting to think electricity was invented by humans, it existed since before the earth was even formed! In this book, we'll examine the electricity found in nature and even inside our own bodies.

Hands-on STEM activities, entertaining illustrations, essential questions, text-to-world connections, fascinating sidebars, and links to online resources and videos get kids hooked on the fascinating subject they all use in their daily lives-electricity! Additional materials include a glossary, a list of media for further learning, a selected bibliography, and index. Aligns with Common Core state standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile.

All titles are available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats.

Author Bio

Carmella Van Vleet is a former teacher and the award-winning author of nearly two dozen books for kids and adults. She is the author of Explore Ancient Rome, Robotics, and Aviation: Cool Women Who Fly from Nomad Press. She lives in Ohio.
Website: carmellavanvleet.com

Micah Rauch is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator from the beautiful state of Montana. He received a BFA in graphic design from Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana and has illustrated several books for Nomad Press, including Kitchen Chemistry, Fairground Physics, and Crazy Contraptions.
Website: micahrauch.com
Instagram: instagram.com/micahrauch