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Further Problems with Pleasure

Sandra Simonds

72 pages
University of Akron Press
\"If Coleridge, Plath, Ovid, and Celan started a love commune where they built a manifesto Molotov cocktail out of the pastoral, eros, blank verse, and kitsch: it would be this book. A true original, thrilling in her brash complex feminism and virtuosic in sound and line, Simonds writes of the lives and desires trod upon by late capitalism and poetry.\" -Carmen Giménez Smith, 2015 Akron Poetry Prize judge
Author Bio
Sandra Simonds is the author of several collections of poetry including Steal It Back (Saturnalia Books, 2015), The Sonnets (Bloof Books, 2014), Mother Was a Tragic Girl (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2012) and Warsaw Bikini (Bloof Books, 2009). Her poems have been anthologized in Best American Poetry 2014 and 2015. She is a professor of English and humanities at Thomas University in Thomasville, Georgia.