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The New Believer’s Friend Handbook

Charles Crabtree

144 pages
General Council of The Assemblies of God

Bring the power of mentoring into new believers’ lives and they will become more solidly planted in biblical truth. Use this book with its companion, New Believer’s Handbook, to set up a mentoring program for new believers’ first week of faith. Simply provide mentors with this guidebook and when people make a decision for Christ through one of your services or ministries, provide them with the companion book and match them with a mentor.

The New Believer’s Friend Handbook will prepare mentors by discussing the role and goal of a new believer’s friend. It’s easy to read and includes chapter outlines and study questions with answers for each chapter of the New Believer’s Handbook.

Author Bio
The Rev. Dr. Charles T. Crabtree, president of Zion Bible College, Haverhill, Massachusetts, was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and was raised in Bangor, Maine in a minister’s home. He matriculated at Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri and was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree from Northwestern University of the Assemblies of God. Dr. Crabtree has had a long and varied career as an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God, pastoring two churches: Des Moines, Iowa Assembly of God and Bethel Church over a period of twenty-five years. In 1988, Crabtree was appointed national director of the Decade of Harvest. He served his denomination as Assistant General Superintendent for 14 years. In 2007, he accepted the presidency of Zion Bible College and currently serves in that capacity. Crabtree has traveled extensively in the U.S. and around the world as a convention speaker and frequent pulpit guest in churches. He has authored seven books on subjects in theology, pastoral ministry, church development, and discipleship. Crabtree is married to Ramona, an accomplished pianist and recording artist. They have three married daughters and 11 grandchildren.