Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook for Low Wing Aircraft
For Instructors and Students
64 pages
Aviation Supplies & Acad Inc
Author Bio
ASA Test Prep Board: ASA Test Prep Board includes editors Jackie Spanitz, Charles L. Robertson, Cliff Seretan, and Paul Hamilton. Jackie Spanitz is the director of curriculum development at Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc., and the author of several books, including Guide to the Flight Review. Charles L. Robertson is an associate professor of aerospace at the University of North Dakota. Cliff Seretan holds a Commercial Certificate with an Instrument Rating for Single- and Multi-Engine Land Airplanes and CFI for Airplane Land and Instrument. Paul Hamilton is a sport pilot and light-sport aircraft expert, a flight instructor, and the owner of Adventure Productions Co. For the ASA Test Prep Series, all editors listed are consulted for new material for the Series. In the case of the "Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbooks," Jackie Spanitz is the only editor who contributes to these.