Professional Pilot
Proven Tactics and PIC Strategies
John Lowery
350 pages
Aviation Supplies & Acad Inc
Professional Pilot is about decision making: that is, the element that sets the captain apart from the rest of the crew. It is filled with the kind of insightful tips, stories, facts and mythbusting that will change how you operate as PIC. Far from your typical textbook on aerodynamics and systems, Professional Pilot takes you right up front to learn from a master turbine pilot who’s been there.
John Lowery combines 50 years of experience as a corporate pilot and pilot examiner with fluid discussions that probe the details all career aviators must understand. Along the way you will find a new level of understanding about day-to-day, real-world flying you thought you long understood, and gain a full indoctrination into the topics that matter when flying heavy, high, and fast.
This third edition includes up-to-date cockpit and airport procedures and recent upgrades in communications and navigation equipment. FITS (FAA/Industry Training Standards) are now included, and information has been added to prepare pilots for today’s state-of-the-art “TAA” (technically-advanced aircraft) and VLJs (very-light jets).
Within this collection of impressive know-how, you’ll uncover the vital story behind such topics as:
- Takeoff V-speeds, runway length requirements, and the real physics of takeoff performance
- Handling runway contamination
- Cruising speed and fuel control in turbine aircraft
- Dynamics of high altitude flight
- Managing icing conditions
- Surviving emergencies such as rapid decompression and in-flight fires