Kitchen Chemistry
Cool Crystals, Rockin’ Reactions, and Magical Mixtures with Hands-On Science Activities
Cynthia Light Brown Micah Rauch
128 pages
Nomad Press Llc
Bring chemistry to your kitchen with a book that offers hands-on science activities that can be done with ingredients from your pantry and the refrigerator!
What’s going on when you cook in the kitchen? Science!
In Kitchen Chemistry: Cool Crystals, Rockin’ Reactions, and Magical Mixtures with Hands-On Science Activities, readers ages 9 to 12 discover that the cooking, mixing, and measuring you do in the kitchen all has its roots deep in science—chemistry to be exact!
Starting with an exploration of atoms and molecules and how they make up the world, Kitchen Chemistry goes on to discuss mixtures, reactions, states of matter, solutions, and more! By using familiar scenarios such as boiling water, baking cookies, and creating slime, kids make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections that deepen their understanding of the world around us and the connection to chemistry to be found in every area of life. This title has been revised and updated to reflect 2020 educational standards and incorporate new scientific discoveries!• Kitchen Chemistry brings science to life in ways kids find easy to replicate and fascinating to accomplish.
• Hands-on projects and experiments, such as making an Alka-Seltzer rocket, building a foamy volcano, and creating crystals, reinforce learning and enhance critical and creative thinking skills.
• Essential questions, cool trivia, and links to online primary sources all add up to an inspired time in the kitchen learning chemistry!
About the Build It Science set and Nomad Press
Kitchen Chemistry is part of a set of four Build It Science books that explore accessible science. The other titles in this set are Climate Change, Backyard Biology, and Fairground Physics.
Nomad Press books in the Build It series integrate content with participation. Combining content with inquiry-based projects stimulates learning and makes it active and alive. Nomad’s unique approach simultaneously grounds kids in factual knowledge while allowing them the space to be curious, creative, and critical thinkers.
All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile and align with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
All titles are available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats.
Author Bio
Cynthia Light Brown has published several books with Nomad Press, as well as stories with Ladybug and Highlights for Children. In March 2018, she was named the Author of the Month by Highlights for her story “From Two Different Universes.” She holds an M.S. in earth and planetary science from the University of New Mexico and a B.A. in geology from Williams College, and is a founder of an environmental consulting firm, Clover Leaf. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with her husband, any of their three children who happen to be visiting, their adorable cat, Mika, and about 70,000 bees.
Micah Rauch is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator from the beautiful state of Montana. He received a BFA in graphic design from Montana State University in Bozeman Montana. He has loved the magical act of drawing his entire life and continues to learn and push his skills both as a designer and an illustrator.