Ancient Civilizations: Egyptians!
With 25 Social Studies Projects for Kids
Carmella Van Vleet Tom Casteel
96 pages
Nomad Press Llc
A full-color book that explores the world of ancient Egypt through hands-on STEAM projects, fascinating facts about everyone from gods to ordinary people, and essential questions that get kids ages 7 to 10 thinking critically about what we can learn from artifacts.
Did the ancient Egyptians have pets? Why were the kings of ancient Egypt buried in pyramids? What did kids do for fun in ancient Egypt? Ancient Civilizations: Egyptians! With 25 Social Studies Projects for Kids takes readers on a journey through the land of the Nile, making stops to study the pyramids, learn about the kings and queens who ruled this land—including the famed King Tutankhamun—discover what ordinary people ate, played, and wore for clothing, and learn about the different jobs people performed. Fascinating links between today’s world and ancient Egyptian culture offer opportunities for real-world connections while fun STEAM activities promote critical and creative thinking.
• This book brings daily life from thousands of years ago into today’s reality through fun illustrations, fascinating facts, essential questions, and hands-on projects such as constructing model bridges and pyramids, planting floating gardens, and translating hieroglyphics.
• Explores the sites of ancient architectural wonders such as the pyramids of Giza, the Temple of Amun-Ra, the Temple of Hatshepsut, and the Great Sphynx.
• Introduces key people associated with ancient Egypt, including King Tutankhamen, King Rameses II, and Queen Cleopatra.
About the Explore Ancient Civilizations set and Nomad Press
Ancient Civilizations: Egyptians! is part of a set of four Explore Ancient Civilization books that bring to life the vibrant cultures of the distant past. The other titles in this series are Ancient Civilizations: Aztecs, Maya, Incas!; Ancient Civilizations: Romans!, and Ancient Civilizations: Greeks!.
Nomad Press books in the Explore Your World series integrate content with participation, encouraging readers to engage in student-directed learning. Combining content with inquiry-based projects stimulates learning and makes it active and alive. Nomad’s unique approach simultaneously grounds kids in factual knowledge while allowing them the space to be curious, creative, and critical thinkers.
All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile and align with Common Core State Standards and National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. All titles are available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats.
Author Bio
Carmella Van Vleet is a former teacher and the author of Robotics! With 25 Science Projects for Kids, Aviation: Cool Women Who Fly, and several other titles from Nomad Press. She also writes award-winning fiction for elementary grades. She lives in Lewis Center, Ohio.
Tom Casteel is an illustrator and cartoonist that graduated from the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2011. He has illustrated more than two dozen books for Nomad Press. He lives in South Bend, Indiana with his wife, son, two smelly dogs and one old cat.