Breaking the Code of Your DNA
Carla Mooney Samuel Carbaugh
128 pages
Nomad Press Llc
Why do children resemble their parents and siblings? Introducing young readers to the fascinating world of genetics, this educational resource presents the main concepts of the science, including what a chromosome does, how DNA is structured, and how genetic inheritance works. Students learn about new discoveries in the field of genetics and how those discoveries have helped to cure or even prevent certain diseases, as well as examine controversial issues in genetics such as genetically modified foods and stem cell research. Combining inquiry-based, age-appropriate activities with biology, Genetics: Breaking the Code of Your DNA features graphic novel illustrations, fascinating sidebars, and a glossary of important vocabulary to illuminate the complex world of genetics and bring it to life. Projects include building 3D DNA double helix models, extracting DNA, using a Punnet Square to predict an offspring's probability of inheritance, and evaluating the benefits and risks of genetically engineering a new species. Additional materials include a list of current reference works, websites, and Internet resources.
Genetics meets common core state standards in language arts for reading informational text and literary nonfiction and is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. Guided Reading Levels and Lexile measurements indicate grade level and text complexity.
Author Bio
Carla Mooney is the author of several books for young readers including Forensics: Uncover the Science and Technology of Crime Scene Investigation, The Industrial Revolution: Investigate How Science and Technology Changed the World, and Explore Rivers and Ponds! With 25 Projects. Her work has appeared in many magazines including Highlights, Faces, and Learning Through History. Carla lives in Pittsburgh, PA.
Sam Carbaugh is a freelance cartoonist and illustrator. He has worked with many colleges and companies to create informational comics and illustrations. Sam lives in Grand Rapids, MI.