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The Man of God

St. Joseph Cafasso

268 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
If every priest in the Church knew this book and practiced what it says, we would have a different Church. Says the priesthood admits no mediocrity: A priest will either be a true priest and do immense good, or he will be an instrument of great evil. Gives firm, practical instruction to priests for both their personal lives and their ministry on topics including delicacy of conscience, hearing confessions, providing a good example, etc. Written by one of the greatest priests who ever lived.
Author Bio
St. Joseph Cafasso, born in 1811 at Piedmont, Italy, was a confessor, priest, and social reformer. While his city was being industrialized, Joseph took it upon himself to serve the dispossessed, marginalized, and criminals of Turin. He also comforted those who received the death sentence and became known as the Priest of the Gallows. The author of Priest: Man of God, he is also venerated as the patron saint of prison chaplains and prisoners. St. Cafasso died on the twenty-third of June, 1860, and was canonized in 1947.