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Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland

William Butler Yeats

Library of Alexandria
The Son of the King of Erin and the Giant of Loch Lein [Loch Léin, former name of one of the Lakes of Killarney] ON a time there lived a king and a queen in Erin, and they had an only son. They were very careful and fond of this son; whatever he asked for was granted, and what he wanted he had. When grown to be almost a young man the son went away one day to the hills to hunt. He could find no game, - saw nothing all day. Towards evening he sat down on a hillside to rest, but soon stood up again and started to go home empty-handed. Then he heard a whistle behind him, and turning, saw a giant hurrying down the hill. The giant came to him, took his hand, and said