The Acts 2 Church and Implementation Guide
Alton Garrison
52 pages
General Council of The Assemblies of God
Recently revised and expanded, The Acts 2 Church provides ideas to get you going and resources to equip you to lead a healthy, growing church. It also offers the ability to help you evaluate and analyze where your church is now and where you want it to be. Based on Acts 2: 42-47, The Acts 2 Church finds it footing in five areas of the church: worship, connect, grow, serve, and go. Ideal for church staff, deacon board, and volunteer leadership.
Author Bio
Alton Garrison Serves as the Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God. in Addition, He Serves as the Executive Director of the Division of Church Ministries and Discipleship, Giving Oversight to 11 Departments that Serve Children, Youth, and Adults.